Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2002, Publicación: 91ª reunión CIT (2003)

Convenio sobre la seguridad social (norma mínima), 1952 (núm. 102) - Serbia (Ratificación : 2000)

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  8. 2002
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  1. 2010

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The Committee notes with interest the communication dated 19 April 2001 by which the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia confirmed its acceptance of the obligations deriving from the Convention, which had been ratified by the former Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. The Committee requests the Government to provide a detailed report for examination at its next session on the manner in which effect is given in both law and practice to each of the provisions of the Convention for the Parts which have been accepted (Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, X, XI, XII, XIII and XIV), and also to provide all the statistics required in the manner requested in the report form adopted by the Governing Body.

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