National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
Global database on occupational safety and health legislation
Employment protection legislation database
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The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in reply to its general observation on the privatization of prisons and prison labour.
The Committee notes with interest the provisions of the Act on the execution of sentences of detention (Act No. 24.660, sections 106-132) concerning prison labour.
The Committee notes with particular interest section 120 on the remuneration of work by detainees, under which "the work of detainees shall be remunerated ... . Where the goods or services produced are intended for the State or entities of public utility, the wage of the detainee shall not be lower than three-quarters of the minimum mobile subsistence wage. In other cases or where the organization of the work is the responsibility of a mixed or private enterprise, the remuneration shall be equal to the wage of corresponding free workers in the occupational category concerned".