Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2003, Publicación: 92ª reunión CIT (2004)

Convenio sobre la inspección del trabajo (agricultura), 1969 (núm. 129) - República Árabe Siria (Ratificación : 1972)

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The Committee refers the Government to its observation, and notes with interest the information in the annual inspection reports showing by region the human resources and vehicles at the disposal of the labour inspectorate in agriculture, and indicating the needs still to be met. Noting that for a number of inspection services with no vehicle this is not registered as a need, it requests the Government to explain the manner in which it is ensured that the agricultural enterprises covered by these services are supervised by the labour inspectors to enforce the legal provisions relating to conditions of work and the protection of workers.

Noting also that the table on the geographical distribution of employment accidents contains no figures for the agricultural sector, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate whether the table reflects the actual situation or difficulties encountered by the inspection services in obtaining relevant data. If so, the Government is asked to provide information on the impact of the circular of 21 April 2001 on the inspectors’ ability to collect such information.

Noting the information in the Government’s report for the period ending in September 2002 indicating a number of employment accidents and cases of occupational disease, and their causes, in all sectors including agriculture, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide information on the measures it asserts it has taken in the context of the labour inspection inquiries carried out in the presence of a representative of the farmers’ organization with a view to securing better conditions of occupational health and safety in agricultural enterprises, and indicate any results obtained.

Lastly, the Government is asked to indicate whether the annual report on labour inspection in agricultural enterprises is published in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 26 of the Convention. If not, the Committee hopes that the Government will ensure that measures are taken to give effect to these provisions, since their implementation will enable the social partners concerned to be made aware of the efforts made to adapt the means at the disposal of labour inspection to the specific needs of the agricultural sector and to elicit their reactions with a view to possible improvements.

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