Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2004, Publicación: 93ª reunión CIT (2005)

Convenio sobre la política del empleo, 1964 (núm. 122) - China (Ratificación : 1997)

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  1. 2024
  2. 2021
  3. 2020
  4. 2004
  5. 2002
  6. 2000

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With reference to its observation, the Committee requests the Government, in its next report, to continue to submit detailed information also on the following points.

1. General and sectoral economic policies. The Committee notes the priority given by the Government to the development of the tertiary sector, favoured due to its capacity for creating employment. It notes that efforts are being deployed to develop high technology enterprises, but also to highly labour-intensive enterprises. Please submit information on the expected or actual contribution different types of enterprises may have had for the creation of jobs. Please submit information on measures taken in order to favour a balanced rural development, both with respect to agricultural and non-agricultural activities.

2. Collection and use of statistics on employment. The Committee notes that analyses of the supply and demand of labour are henceforth drawn up and published in most large or medium-sized towns in the country and that they are used, in particular, for the development of employment and training programmes. Please continue to submit information on the collection and use of this information, and to describe the type of data collected.

3. Reinforcing public employment services. The Committee notes that measures have been taken to reinforce not only the public employment service, but also to encourage the development of other public or private employment agencies. Please continue to submit information on the type and scope of activities of the employment service. Please include information on measures taken or envisaged to ensure cooperation between employment services in the different regions of the country. Please describe the measures taken or envisaged to ensure cooperation between the public employment service system and private employment agencies.

4. Measures to favour re-employment of laid-off workers. The Committee notes all the incentives instituted to boost employment of laid-off workers, in particular of those workers who may have particular difficulties in finding new employment. Please submit any evaluation of results achieved through these measures. Please also continue to submit information on the volume of the reintegration training activities that are carried out for the benefit of these workers as well as the results achieved.

5. Promoting small and medium-sized enterprises. The Committee notes the various measures undertaken for the promotion of small and medium sized enterprises, including the grant of tax advantages or credit guarantees, as well as by the development of an infrastructure of relevant services. Please submit information on the results these measures have yielded in terms of sustainable jobs created.

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