Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2010, Publicación: 100ª reunión CIT (2011)

Convenio sobre el servicio del empleo, 1948 (núm. 88) - Georgia (Ratificación : 2002)

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The Committee notes the Government’s replies to its 2005 direct request received in September 2010.

Articles 1 and 6 of the Convention. Contribution of the employment service to employment promotion. The Committee notes that reducing unemployment and alleviating poverty while improving jobs creation are among the main priorities for the Government. It states that this objective is a very complex one and it is far beyond the capacity of a single agency, the Social Subsidies Agency (the successor of the State Employment Agency). The Government indicates that coordinated efforts are made by various ministries to implement state programmes on employment, education and training. It further indicates having launched a state programme to reduce structural unemployment caused by changes in the economy and job mismatch to create a modern professional education infrastructure. The programme seeks to create professional education centres based on the needs of the private sector. The Government also indicates that the programme is conducted in close cooperation with the public and private sectors which provide flexibility and adjustability as the number of students for the professional education centres are determined by the private companies who then train the staff and provide employment in their companies. The Committee recalls that Article 1(1) of the Convention requires to maintain or ensure the maintenance of a free public employment service. The Committee asks the Government to provide in its next report detailed information on progress made to maintain a free public employment service and that the public employment service ensure effective recruitment and placement and discharge all functions assigned to the employment service by Article 6 of the Convention. The Committee again invites the Government to provide the statistical information requested under Part IV of the report form concerning the number of public employment offices established, the number of applications for employment received, the number of vacancies notified, and the number of persons placed in employment by such offices.

Articles 4 and 5. Consultation with the social partners. The Government indicates that the Tripartite Social Partnership Commission was established in November 2009, which fulfils the functions of the previous national employment council and discusses labour legislation issues, employment issues and policies. It further indicates that representatives of employers’ associations and trade unions are appointed in equal numbers after consultation with representative organizations of employers and trade unions. The Committee invites the Government to specify the involvement of the Tripartite Social Partnership Commission in relation to the organization and operation of the employment service and in the development of an employment service policy.

Article 4(2). National advisory committees. The Government indicates that it intends to enhance and traditionalize tripartite cooperation by strengthening the Tripartite Social Partnership Commission on a national level. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report information on eventual developments that would necessitate the establishment of regional and local advisory committees.

Article 8. Special arrangements for young workers. The Committee notes the efforts mentioned by the Government in its report to improve qualifications and knowledge of young persons in order to make them more competitive in the labour market. The Government describes a special programme for prospective Master’s students created in 2005 which has already financed around 400 Georgian students to study abroad at leading universities. The Government reports on education services for youth through a bilateral agreement regarding circular labour migration with France. It additionally indicates that 19 countries have expressed their readiness to start negotiations on similar agreements. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report further information on programmes and other initiatives that have been launched and developed for young workers within the framework of the employment and vocational guidance services.

Article 9. Status of employment service staff. The Government indicates that large-scale training programmes are organized in all relevant state institutions involved in the development and implementation of the employment policy. It envisages conducting numerous trainings in the future. The Committee asks the Government to provide information in its next report on initiatives taken to institute specific training for the staff of the employment service.

Article 10. Outreach to employers and jobseekers. The Committee invites the Government to provide in its next report updated information on the extent of collaboration with the employers’ and workers’ organizations to encourage the full use of employment service facilities.

Article 11. The Committee refers to its comments on the application of Convention No. 181 and asks the Government to provide information on the necessary measures taken to secure effective cooperation between the public employment service and private employment agencies.

[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present Convention in 2013.]

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