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The Committee notes that the Government was requested by the ILO to send copies of the comments by the Confederation of the Movement of Costarican Workers (CMTC), the General Confederation of Workers (CGT) and the Central Social Juanito Mora Porras, which it indicated as enclosed to its report. It notes that in September 2010, the Government communicated additional information to its report as well as other documents, but not the abovementioned organizations’ comments.
The Committee equally notes the communication by the Rerum Novarum Workers’ Confederation (CTRN) to the ILO of comments on the application of the Convention. The ILO transmitted the latter to the Government on 17 September 2010.
The Government is requested to communicate, without delay, the trade unions’ observations referred to in its report to allow their examination together with the Government’s report and the CTRN comments, as well as any comments the Government might wish to submit on the points raised in these observations.
[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2011.]