Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2012, Publicación: 102ª reunión CIT (2013)

Convenio sobre la consulta tripartita (normas internacionales del trabajo), 1976 (núm. 144) - Israel (Ratificación : 2010)

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Tripartite consultations required by the Convention. The Committee notes the Government’s first report on the application of the Convention received in July 2012. The Government indicates that consultations on the matters covered by the Convention are carried out through discussions during meetings between the representatives of the Government and the social partners. Moreover, there is a tripartite consultative body called “the round table” that discusses matters such as labour relations and working conditions. The Government indicated in its report that consultations have been held, for example, on the possibility of ratification of the Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 (No. 181), and that following these consultations representatives of both employers and workers recommended ratification. The Committee notes with interest that the ratification of Convention No. 181 was registered on 4 October 2012. The Committee welcomes this initial report and invites the Government to provide further information in its next report indicating tripartite consultations held on the matters relating to international labour standards covered by the Convention, including specific information on tripartite consultations held on questionnaires concerning items on the agenda of the Conference and on the preparation of reports on the application of ratified Conventions (Article 5(1)(a) and (d) of the Convention).
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