Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2013, Publicación: 103ª reunión CIT (2014)

Convenio sobre el desarrollo de los recursos humanos, 1975 (núm. 142) - Noruega (Ratificación : 1976)

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Implementation of policies and programmes of vocational guidance and vocational training. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in September 2013 which includes observations made by the Confederation of Unions for Professionals (UNIO) and one of its members, the Union of Education Norway. The Government indicates that the partnership between State and municipality was one of the major objectives of the Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) reform, thereby ensuring common responsibility to run the NAV offices and provide services to the users. The Committee notes that a new Corporate Strategy of the NAV for the period 2011–20 was launched in 2011, and that a new standard and procedures for following up on NAV users was to be implemented in 2013. This new standard aims to help more users to obtain employment through targeted services and an improved follow-up system. It further notes that the New Possibilities (Ny GIV) project, introduced in 2010 and running until the end of 2013, aims to increase successful completion in upper secondary education and training from 70 to 75 per cent. In its observations, the Union of Education Norway states that it sees a need for systematic sharing of experiences and to improve the system of educational guidance. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information on the implementation of vocational guidance and vocational training programmes and on their results (Article 1 of the Convention). Please also continue to report on the cooperation of employers’ and workers’ organizations in the formulation and implementation of vocational guidance and vocational training policies and programmes (Article 5). The Committee also refers the Government to its comments formulated on the application of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122).
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