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Repetition Article 4 of the Convention. Total or partial exceptions. The Committee notes the adoption of Act No. 13/2009 of 27 May 2009 issuing labour regulations, which repeals Act No. 51/2001 of 30 December 2001 issuing the Labour Code. Further to its previous comments regarding exceptions to weekly rest, the Committee notes that weekly rest is regulated by section 52 of Act No. 13/2009, as rest of a period of 24 consecutive hours that shall occur in principle on a Sunday and, as far as possible, must be granted to the whole of the staff of the undertaking. The new legislation does not mention exceptions to weekly rest. As it previously emphasized in relation to section 58 of the 2001 Labour Code, the Committee recalls that, under Article 4 of the Convention, the exceptions in question must be authorized by the public authorities, taking account of all proper social and economic considerations and after consultation with responsible associations of employers and workers. The Committee again requests the Government to supply information concerning any exceptions to the general weekly rest scheme and, if applicable, to indicate whether tripartite consultations have taken place to this end. Article 7. Notices and rosters. The Committee notes that, contrary to section 59 of the former Labour Code, Act No. 13/2009 does not contain any provision obliging the employer to make known: (i) the days and hours of collective rest by means of notices posted conspicuously in the establishment, where the weekly rest is given to the whole of the staff collectively; and (ii) by means of a roster drawn up in accordance with the method approved by the legislation of the country, or by a regulation of the competent authority, where the rest period is not granted to the whole of the staff collectively. The Committee requests the Government to indicate how it is given effect to this Article of the Convention both in law and in practice.