Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2014, Publicación: 104ª reunión CIT (2015)

Convenio sobre igualdad de remuneración, 1951 (núm. 100) - Grecia (Ratificación : 1975)

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Impact of the structural reform measures on the gender pay gap in the private sector. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its report on the number of full-time, part-time and rotation work contracts (not disaggregated by sex) concluded in 2012 and the first quarter of 2013. The Government further indicates that once the Integrated Information System of the labour inspectorate is fully operational, it will be able to submit information disaggregated by sex, on the monthly salary, daily wage and hourly pay, as well as on full-time, part-time and rotation work contracts. The Committee trusts that the Integrated Information System will soon be fully operational and will enable the Government to collect and provide comprehensive information on the following:
  • (i) statistics disaggregated by sex, showing an evolution of the levels of remuneration of men and women in full-time and part-time employment, in the various economic sectors, industries and occupations, with an indication of the economic sectors and industries most affected;
  • (ii) the number of men and women, including working mothers returning from maternity leave, who have suffered from pay reductions due to a change in their working arrangements (forms of employment, i.e. part-time work, suspension of work, rotation work or subcontracting by temporary employment agencies) with an indication of the number of workers upon whom the employer has unilaterally imposed the conversion of full-time employment to rotation work or part-time work with lower pay; and
  • (iii) information, disaggregated by sex, showing the level and evolution of wages of domestic workers and workers in agricultural undertakings.
Impact of the structural reform measures on the gender pay gap in the public sector. The Government indicates that public administration employees are not classified by occupation but by category, branch and speciality and that the salary scale is determined on the basis of the years of services completed and of formal qualifications. The Government further indicates that following the adoption of Act No. 4093/2012, Act No. 4024/2011, which introduced and further defined the system of “labour reserve”, is also applicable to private law entities belonging to the State, or public law entities or local government organizations, and that the Act does not provide for any wage discrimination based on sex. The Committee trusts that the full implementation of the Integrated Information System will enable the Government to collect and analyse statistical information, disaggregated by sex, on the distribution of men and women in the various categories and branches of the wider public sector and the corresponding levels of remuneration, allowing an assessment of the evolution of the gender pay gap since 2009. The Committee asks the Government to provide full information in this regard. The Committee also asks the Government to provide detailed information on the new general conditions of service of public servants, the new job classification and the wage scales, as well as on the specific method that has been used for the evaluation of the different jobs with a view to ensuring the application of the principle of the Convention. Please collect and provide information on the distribution of female and male employees in the new job classification and wage scales of the public service.
Articles 2(2)(c) and 4 of the Convention. Collective agreements and cooperation with social partners. The Committee notes the information concerning the Gender Equality Award for enterprises that implement gender equality and the project “Promotion and enhancement of women’s participation in representation bodies of trade unions”. The Committee asks the Government to continue to provide information on any activities undertaken to raise awareness of the principle of the Convention among workers, employers and their representatives and the results thereof.
Enforcement. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government that no complaints have been received for violation of the equal pay provisions of Act No. 3896/2010. Noting that the Directorate for Remuneration of Work of the Ministry of Labour is not competent to monitor wages exceeding those stipulated by the collective labour agreements, the Committee asks the Government to indicate how it is being ensured that the principle of the Convention is effectively applied in those private agreements establishing wages exceeding those established in collective labour agreements. The Committee further asks the Government to provide information on the measures adopted to strengthen the capacity of judges, labour officials or other competent authorities to detect and address unequal pay. Please continue to provide any information on any decisions handed down by the courts, the labour inspectorate or the Ombudsperson with regard to this issue.
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