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Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 2015, Publicación: 105ª reunión CIT (2016)

Convenio sobre la política del empleo, 1964 (núm. 122) - Comoras (Ratificación : 1978)

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The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It is therefore bound to repeat its previous comments.
Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. The Committee notes the Government’s brief report received in October 2011. In reply to its 2009 observation, the Government indicates that the framework document on the national employment policy was approved by the Council of Ministers and that a Bill issuing the national employment policy has been prepared and submitted to the National Assembly. The Committee also notes the comments made by the Workers’ Confederation of Comoros (CTC) in September 2011. The CTC confirms that, despite the approval of the framework document on the national employment policy, no legislation has yet been approved by the National Assembly on this subject. The CTC acknowledges that it was consulted on the national Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper (PRGSP) and the ILO Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP). The Government indicates that the support project for peace-building in Comoros through employment promotion for youth and women (APROJEC) has launched several activities to promote youth employment in the islands. The CTC calls for a mid-term re-evaluation of the results of the APROJEC project. The Government also refers to the lack of the necessary financial resources to continue surveys of young unemployed graduates and requests financial support from the ILO with a view to the general application of these surveys in other islands. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report whether the Act issuing the national employment policy has been adopted and to indicate whether specific difficulties have been encountered in achieving the objectives set out in the PRGSP. It also invites the Government to provide information on the resources used to achieve the employment priorities established in the context of the DWCP, 2009–12, and on the impact of measures and programmes, such as the APROJEC project, which are designed to facilitate the access of youth to decent work.
Collection and use of employment data. The Committee invites the Government to supplement its next report with detailed information on the progress achieved in the collection of labour market data and on the manner in which such data are taken into account in the formulation and implementation of the employment policy (Article 2).
Participation of the social partners. The Committee invites the Government to provide full information on the consultations envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, which requires the participation of all of the persons affected, and particularly employers’ and workers’ representatives, in the formulation and implementation of employment policies.
The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the near future.
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