Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2015, Publicación: 105ª reunión CIT (2016)

Convenio sobre la cerusa (pintura), 1921 (núm. 13) - Federación de Rusia (Ratificación : 1991)

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Article 1(1) of the Convention. Prohibition of the use of white lead and sulphate of lead and of all products containing these pigments in the internal painting of buildings. The Committee notes the Government’s statement in its report that the Inter-sectoral regulations on labour protection in the course of painting works (POT R M-017-2001), approved by Decision No. 37 of 2001 of the Ministry of Labour, give effect to Article 1. The Government refers, in this regard, to section 2.24 of the Inter-sectoral Regulations, which relates only to lead pigment in paint and varnish coatings for use in manual spraying, but not, as provided under Article 1, to the use of white lead and sulphate of lead and of all products containing these pigments in the internal painting of buildings. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to give effect to Article 1 of the Convention, and, in this respect, provide information on the measures taken to prohibit the use of white lead and sulphate of lead, in the internal painting of buildings, for painting other than manual spray painting.
Article 3(1). Prohibition of the employment of males under 18 years of age and of all females in any painting work of an industrial character involving the use of white lead. Following its previous comments, the Committee notes that Decree No. 163 of 2000 concerning a list of hazardous work prohibited for persons under 18 years of age contains several provisions prohibiting persons under 18 from working with lead paint. Particularly, the Committee takes due note of: section 2096 of Decree No. 163, which prohibits the preparation and application of paints containing leads; section 654, on metal coating and painting, which prohibits activities in finishing operations that involve the use of lead; section 1030, on the manufacture of ceramic products, which prohibits work with lead glazes; and section 1980, which prohibits work related to the production of art with paint containing lead.
Article 7. Statistical information with regard to lead poisoning among working painters. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that all information related to cases of lead poisoning, including fatalities, is collected by the Federal Supervisory Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, as part of the monitoring of occupational diseases. The Government states that between 2009 and 2014, no cases of lead poisoning caused by the use of white lead were recorded. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide statistical information relevant to the application of the Convention.
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