Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2021, Publicación: 110ª reunión CIT (2022)

Convenio sobre la consulta tripartita (normas internacionales del trabajo), 1976 (núm. 144) - Israel (Ratificación : 2010)

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  1. 2024
  2. 2021
  3. 2018
  4. 2015
  5. 2012

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Article 5 of the Convention. Effective tripartite consultations. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that, as a result of tripartite consultations held on the possibility of ratification of the Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), this instrument was ratified and is now in force.
The Government adds that tripartite consultations were also held in relation to the questionnaire on apprenticeships; on unratified Conventions and Recommendations regarding the strategic objective of employment; on questions arising out of reports under article 22 of ILO Constitution concerning Conventions Nos 97, 100, 111 and 122; on the report under article 19 of ILO Constitution concerning unratified Conventions and Recommendations related to nursing personnel and domestic workers, as well as on the multi-stakeholder initiative regarding the Equal Pay International Coalition (equal pay for work of equal value). The Committee requests the Government to continue providing information on the content and outcome of tripartite consultations held on the matters concerning international labour standards covered by Article 5(1)(a)–(d) of the Convention.
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