Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2022, Publicación: 111ª reunión CIT (2023)

Convenio sobre la edad mínima, 1973 (núm. 138) - Saint Kitts y Nevis (Ratificación : 2005)

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Article 4 of the Convention. Exclusion from the application of the Convention of limited categories of employment or work. The Committee previously noted the Government’s information that consultations were held with social partners and that the decision was made to exclude limited categories from the scope of the draft Labour Code, including work in family undertakings, pursuant to Article 4 of the Convention. The Government also stated that, under the new draft Labour Code, the minimum age for admission to employment would nevertheless apply to some categories of undertakings that were excluded. The Committee therefore requested the Government to indicate which categories of undertakings are excluded from the scope of the draft Labour Code.
The Committee notes the Government’s information in its report that the categories excluded will be reviewed in the framework of phase II of the review of the draft Labour Code, and that it will inform the Committee of the result in the next reporting cycle. The Committee requests the Government to indicate which categories are excluded from the scope of application of the draft Labour Code, once it is adopted.
Application of the Convention in practice. The Committee previously noted that the Ministry of Sustainable Development was processing the data of the Labour Force Survey that was conducted in the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, and that the results would soon be made available.
The Committee notes the Government’s information that the 2016 Labour Force Survey revealed no quantified data on children and young persons in work below the age of 16 years. The Committee requests the Government to continue providing information on the number of children and young persons who work and whose age is lower than the minimum age for admission to employment or work, and the nature, scope and trends of such work.
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