Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2024, Publicación: 113ª reunión CIT (2025)

Convenio sobre el examen médico de los menores (trabajo subterráneo), 1965 (núm. 124) - Viet Nam (Ratificación : 1994)

Otros comentarios sobre C124

Solicitud directa
  1. 2024
  2. 2018
  3. 2017
  4. 2012
  5. 2007
  6. 2001
  7. 2000

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Application of the Convention in practice. With regard to its previous comments, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that labour inspections did not find any violations relating to the employment of minors under 21 years of age involved in underground work. The Committee requests the Government to continue providing information on the application in practice of the Convention. It requests the Government to ensure that the information provided includes: (i) statistics on the number of young persons who are working and have undergone the medical examinations provided for by the Convention; (ii) extracts from the reports of the inspection services; and (iii) the number and nature of any violations recorded by the labour inspection services.
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