Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 2024, Publicación: 113ª reunión CIT (2025)

Convenio sobre los métodos para la fijación de salarios mínimos, 1928 (núm. 26) - Rwanda (Ratificación : 1962)

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Articles 1 and 3(2) of the Convention. Minimum wage-fixing machinery. Consultation of employers’ and workers’ organizations. In its previous comments the Committee urged the Government to take the necessary measures to fix new minimum wage rates, which have not been adjusted since 1980, including through the adoption of the Ministerial Order determining the minimum wage, without delay and in consultation with social partners. The Committee notes that the Government merely indicates in its report that: (i) it is still in consultations with social partners and stakeholders on minimum wages; and (ii) collective bargaining agreements are taking place at different sectoral levels to promote fair income. The Committee once again urges the Government to take all the necessary measures to fix new minimum wage rates, including through the adoption of the Ministerial Order determining the minimum wage, without delay and in consultation with social partners. It also requests the Government to provide information in regard to the collective bargaining agreements and other related measures that have been carried out to promote fair income.
Article 4. Sanctions. Following its previous comments, the Committee notes that the Government indicates that once the minimum wage is set, the relevant laws will establish enforcement measures. In this respect, the Committee refers to its comments under the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81) regarding adequate sanctions in case of violation of minimum wages obligations. The Committee urges the Government to take the necessary measures, by way of a system of supervision and sanctions, to ensure that the employers and workers concerned are informed of the minimum rates of wages in force, and that wages are not paid at less than these rates in cases where they are applicable, and to establish a system of sanctions in case of non-compliance with the minimum wages rates, as required by this Article of the Convention.
[The Government is asked to reply in full to the present comments in 2027.]
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