Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2024, Publicación: 113ª reunión CIT (2025)

Convenio sobre la inspección del trabajo, 1947 (núm. 81) - Mozambique (Ratificación : 1977)

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Articles 3(1)(b) and 13 of the Convention. Preventive activities of the labour inspection services in the area of occupational safety and health (OSH), including measures with immediate executory force. Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes the information provided by the Government that section 261(2) of the new Labour Act (Act No. 13/2023) establishes that in the event of an imminent threat to the lives or safety of workers, labour inspectors may take measures with immediate effect in order to address the threat, and that this decision must be referred to a higher level for confirmation within 24 hours. In response to the request for information on the measures with immediate executory force adopted by the labour inspection, the Committee also notes the Government’s reference to two examples of cases where the suspension of operations was practiced (related to the lack of compliance with hygiene norms and maintenance of equipment). However, the Committee notes that, according to the 2023 annual labour inspection report, there were no records of any companies being suspended for non-compliance with occupational hygiene and safety measures or for other situations that posed a serious and imminent danger to the life, health, and physical integrity of workers. The Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information on the measures adopted by labour inspectors in cases where they encounter OSH violations. In addition, the Committee requests the Government to indicate the number of cases in which labour inspectors ordered measures with immediate executory force.
Article 6. Conditions of service of labour inspectors and legal protection of labour inspectors for initiating the necessary inspection procedures. Noting the absence of information in this regard, the Committee once again requests the Government to specify the levels of remuneration and career prospects of labour inspectors in relation to other categories of public servants exercising similar duties, such as tax inspectors. In addition, the Committee once again requests the Government to provide information on the developments in the process of adoption of the Framework for Inspection Personnel, and to provide a copy of any text implementing section 49 of Decree No. 45/2009 and section 10 of Decree No. 19/2015.
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