Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2024, Publicación: 113ª reunión CIT (2025)

Convenio sobre el personal de enfermería, 1977 (núm. 149) - Tayikistán (Ratificación : 1993)

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Article 2 of the Convention. Formulation and implementation of a policy concerning nursing services and nursing personnel. The Government indicates that as of 1 January 2023, 61,383 specialists with secondary medical education were working in the healthcare system and that the number of healthcare professionals per 100,000 inhabitants was 617. The Government adds that the categorization of specialists with secondary medical education was 42.7 per cent and employment of health care professionals was 87.9 per cent. The Committee welcomes that the Government has communicated a copy of Ordinance No. 7 of 10 January 2000 establishing the national nursing care centre but observes that the information provided by the Government predates for the most part the reporting period under analysis. In view of the above, the Committee reiterates its request to the Government to provide updated, specific and detailed information on the impact of measures taken in the framework of its policy concerning specifically nursing services and nursing personnel which are aimed at attracting and retaining nursing personnel, including midwives, particularly in rural and remote areas of the country, as well as statistical information reflecting trends in this sector. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information regarding consultations held with the social partners with respect to the formulation and implementation of the policy, as required by Article 2 of the Convention. It further requests the Government to provide copies of any official texts adopted in the context of the implementation of its policy on nursing services and nursing personnel.
Articles 3 and 4. Basic requirements in relation to teaching and training.The right to exercise the profession. The Committee notes that, according to the Licence of the Supervisory Agency for Education and Science No. 0001325 of 2 August 2021, advanced training courses are held for nursing staff in order to enhance the knowledge level of nursing staff and professional competence, practical skills and abilities. There are currently 35 medical colleges in the country (16 public and 19 private) that train healthcare professionals in various specialities. The Association of Nurses of the Republic of Tajikistan, together with the National Nursing Care Centre, has developed a Code of Ethics for Nurses, the purpose of which is to provide nurses with the skills of a psychological and ethical approach and an appropriate level of knowledge in nursing care. The nursing personnel are hired in accordance with the Labour Code after graduating from a secondary medical school. The duration of a working day for nursing staff is 8–14 hours, while overtime work is unpaid and that weekly rest, annual paid leave, study leave, maternity leave, sick leave, and social security are also provided under the Labour Code. While taking due note of this information, the Committee once again reiterates its request to the Government to indicate the basic requirements in relation to the teaching and training of nursing personnel, and the conditions governing the right to practice nursing care and services. The Committee also requests once again the Government to provide a copy of any relevant law or regulation in this regard.
Article 5. Consultations with nursing personnel. The Committee notes that, during the period 2019–2023, the Government held different activities with the National Midwives Association, which included training courses, round tables, seminars and meetings in several cities and districts to attract midwives to the ranks of organization representatives. The Committee notes however that the report does not provide information on the consultations held with such personnel on decisions concerning them and on the application of the Ethical Code for Nurses. The Committee therefore urges the Government to provide further information on the measures taken to promote the participation of nursing personnel in the planning of nursing services. It also reiterates its requests to the Government to provide information on the consultations held with such personnel, including the Tajik Nursing Association and the Midwives Association of Tajikistan, on decisions concerning them, in a manner appropriate to national conditions. The Committee further reiterates its requests to the Government to provide additional information on the application of the Ethical Code for Nurses.
Article 6. Conditions of employment. The Committee notes that the General Agreement for 2021–2023 concluded between the Government, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions and the Association of Employers of the Republic of Tajikistan, provided for a study the ratification of the Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183). The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the country’s trade union organizations are working on gender development issues within the social partnership framework. The Committee notes however that the Government’s report does not provide a response the various issues underlined in its previous direct request. The Committee therefore recalls once again the requirement set out by the Convention that nursing personnel shall enjoy conditions of employment at least equivalent to those of other workers, and urges the Government to indicate the provisions guaranteeing that nursing personnel enjoy conditions of employment and work at least equivalent to those of other workers in relation to hours of work, including regulation and compensation of overtime, inconvenient hours and shift work.
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