Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2024, Publicación: 113ª reunión CIT (2025)

Convenio sobre los documentos de identidad de la gente de mar, 1958 (núm. 108) - San Vicente y las Granadinas (Ratificación : 1998)

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Articles 2 and 4 of the Convention. Form and content of seafarers’ identity documents. The Committee notes the Government’s indication, in reply to its previous comment concerning the need to add in the seafarers’ identity document (SID) a statement that the document is a SID for the purpose of Convention No. 108, that there have been not developments in this regard. The Committee accordingly once again requests the Government to insert the required statement in the SID to ensure full compliance with Article 4(2).
Articles 5 and 6. Readmission and permission to enter into territory. In reply to its previous comment, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that no information is currently available regarding the measures implemented to comply with these provisions of the Convention. It further notes that efforts are ongoing to gather and assess relevant data to ensure proper alignment with the requirements of the Convention. The Committee recalls in this respect that, under Articles 5 and 6, the SID is the sole document needed for the seafarer to enter the territory of any State party to the Convention and to return to the issuing State even during one year after the expiry of the document. The Committee accordingly requests the Government to take the necessary measures to fully implement the requirements of Articles 5 and 6.
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