Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1989, Publicación: 76ª reunión CIT (1989)

Convenio sobre el benceno, 1971 (núm. 136) - Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de) (Ratificación : 1977)

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Further to its direct request of 1985, the Committee notes the information and documents supplied by the Government with its two last reports. The Committee notes in particular that its earlier comments will be taken into account in the regulations made under the General Act on Occupational Health and Safety, 1979. It hopes that regulations concerning the use of benzene and products containing benzene will be adopted in the very near future and that they will specifically ensure the application of Articles 1(b), 2, 4, 6, 7(1) and 11 of the Convention, as noted in its previous request.

Article 9. The Committee also notes the Government's statement, in its report of 1985, that blood tests and biological tests will be taken when the physician decides it is necessary. Article 9 of the Convention provides, however, that workers who are to be employed in work processes involving exposure to benzene or products containing benzene shall undergo pre-employment and periodic medical examinations which shall include biological tests including a blood test. As the Government is presently drafting regulations concerning medical services for enterprises and medical examination, the Committee hopes that it will take the necessary measures to ensure that employees designated to work with benzene shall receive adequate pre-employment and periodic medical examinations, including blood tests and biological tests, as required by this Article of the Convention.

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