Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1993, Publicación: 80ª reunión CIT (1993)

Convenio sobre la licencia pagada de estudios, 1974 (núm. 140) - Hungría (Ratificación : 1975)

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The Committee notes that the Decrees ensuring the provision of facilities for workers pursuing studies have been repealed, but that the new Labour Code contains provisions granting time off for workers participating in school-type training. It notes, however, that under these new provisions, entitlement to the average wage during the period of study is only maintained for workers in primary education. It also notes the provision concerning the grant of paid educational leave for trade union members to participate in trade union training.

The Committee observes that these provisions of the Labour Code, which appear to reduce the range of paid educational leave opportunities contained in the repealed provisions, lay down minimum standards which may be completed by provisions in the law or agreements which are more favourable to workers. In this connection, the Committee would be grateful if in its next report the Government would indicate the measures taken or envisaged to promote the granting of paid educational leave (Article 2 of the Convention) and the way in which employers' and workers' organizations and institutions or bodies providing education and training are associated with the formulation and application of such measures (Article 6).

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