Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 2009, Publicación: 99ª reunión CIT (2010)

Convenio sobre el desarrollo de los recursos humanos, 1975 (núm. 142) - Türkiye (Ratificación : 1993)

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Formulation and implementation of education and training policies. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in November 2008 as well as the comprehensive contributions made by the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (TÜRK-İŞ) and the Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TİŞK). The Committee notes the information, including detailed statistics, provided by the Government in reply to the 2004 observation concerning the activities of training centres, the training of apprentices, and the rehabilitation programmes for persons with disabilities. The Government indicates that the implementation of measures promoting human resources development is under way. In this connection, it refers to the establishment of a Vocational Qualifications Authority (MYK) by Law No 5544 of 21 September 2006, which provides for activities relating to the supervision and certification of occupational standards. The new Authority will build up a national system of vocational qualifications in line with the European Union standards in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the Higher Education Council, representatives of the social partners and of other professional organizations. The Committee notes that the Ministry of Education has undertaken studies conducted under the project for strengthening the vocational education and training system in Turkey (MEGEP) supported by the European Commission. As a result of these studies, modular education programmes have been introduced in all vocational and technical secondary schools and institutions since the education year 2006–07 and vocational education and training information centres have been established. The TÜRK-İŞ expresses its concern over the low level of general education and training of the labour force in Turkey, emphasizing that the development of the education and training system is a primary means of eliminating regional differences and preventing poverty and social exclusion. The Committee also notes the TİŞK’s indication that a draft action plan for vocational and technical education for the 2008–12 period has been prepared by the Ministry of Education which is to be implemented in cooperation with all the parties concerned. The Committee asks the Government to provide in its next report information on the systems of general, technical and vocational education, educational and vocational guidance and vocational training. The Committee would appreciate receiving information on how effective coordination has been ensured between employment policy objectives and the policies and programmes of vocational guidance and training taking account of the factors mentioned in Article 1(2)–(4), of the Convention. The Committee asks the Government to continue providing copies of reports, studies and surveys, statistical data, etc., on policies and programmes intended to promote access to education, training and lifelong learning for persons with special needs, such as women, young persons, low-skilled people, persons with disabilities, migrant workers, and also for workers in small and medium-sized enterprises in the informal economy, in the rural sector and in self-employment (Paragraph 5(h) of the Human Resources Development Recommendation, 2004 (No. 195)).

Article 5. Cooperation with the social partners. The Committee notes that the social partners contribute to the definition of vocational qualifications in accordance with labour market needs within the Vocational Qualifications Authority. The Committee further notes that, under the 2008 Employment Package the provincial employment boards operating under the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR), which are responsible for defining employment policies and conducting labour market research at the local level, have been restructured to include competences in the area of vocational education and training policies. The Committee invites the Government to continue reporting on the measures adopted to ensure the collaboration of employers and workers and other interested bodies, in the formulation and implementation of vocational guidance and vocational training policies and programmes at the national and local levels so as to fully take into account their experiences and views.

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