Information System on International Labour Standards

Seguimiento dado a las recomendaciones del Comité y del Consejo de Administración - Informe núm. 324, Marzo 2001

Caso núm. 2048 (Marruecos) - Fecha de presentación de la queja:: 04-SEP-99 - Cerrado

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Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body
  1. 60. The Committee last examined this case at its November 2000 session [see 323rd Report, paras. 384-396] and on that occasion requested the Government to transmit the decision of the Rabat Court of Appeal concerning the Avitema farm workers, who had been conditionally released, and the ruling of the Court of the First Instance of Rabat concerning Mr. Abderrazak Chellaoui, Mr. Bouazza Maâche and Mr. Abdelslam Talha. The Committee had also urged the Government to ensure that all necessary measures were taken without delay so that the workers dismissed from Avitema farm would be reinstated in their posts.
  2. 61. In its communication of 8 January 2001 the Government states that neither the decision of the Rabat Court of Appeal, nor the ruling of the Court of the First Instance of Rabat have been handed down, the hearings having been postponed to 18 June and 18 January 2001, respectively. As regards the reinstatement of the Avitema farm workers, the Government points out that, following steps taken by services of the Ministry of Employment, 12 employees have been reinstated in their posts and ten others have received their legal compensation.
  3. 62. The Committee notes this information. It further notes with interest the reinstatement of some of the Avitema farm workers who had been dismissed on account of their having exercised their legitimate right to strike. The Committee also notes however that, so far, neither the Rabat Court of Appeal nor the Court of the First Instance of Rabat have handed down their decisions concerning the events which took place in September 1999. The Committee expresses the firm hope that these decisions will be taken without delay and once again requests the Government to transmit them as soon as they have been handed down.
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