National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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Article 7, paragraph 3, of the Convention. See under Article 6, paragraph 2, of Convention No. 1, as follows:
Article 6, paragraph 2. Please communicate a copy of Ministerial Order No. 16 of 18/1/1397 H, which is not available in the Office, and/or any order issued under section 152 of the Labour Code relevant to working hours in the cases contemplated in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this section.
Article 11, paragraph 2. See under Article 8, paragraph 1, of Convention No. 1, as follows:
Article 8, paragraph 1. The Committee notes that the Government is examining the possibility of taking measures through regulations to supplement section 9 of the Labour Code and require establishments employing fewer than 20 workers to post working hours as required by this Article of the Convention. It trusts that the Government will soon take the measures necessary to give full effect to this provision of the Convention.