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The Committee notes the Government's report.
Articles 1 to 5 of the Convention. The Committee notes that it is the current Government's intention to establish an overall employment service in the form set out in the above Articles of the Convention. The Government also states that consultations will be encouraged in the prefectures, development bodies and municipal authorities that exist in the capital cities of the nine national departments, and that the tripartite model of participation recommended by the ILO will be adopted. The Committee notes the above and hopes that in its next report the Government will be able to supply information on the extent to which effect has been given to the above Articles of the Convention.
Articles 6, 7 and 8. With reference to the Committee's previous comments, the Government supplies information on the functioning of the Social Emergency Fund (FSE), which was set up in 1986. The Committee refers to its comments on the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), in which it requested information on the generation of productive employment through activities undertaken by the FSE (see point 3 of the 1989 direct request and the observation). The Committee hopes that in its next report on Convention No. 88 the Government will supply information on the organisation, activities and operation of the employment service, and on the arrangements made by the employment service for special categories of job applicants and for vocational guidance, as required by the report form for the above Articles.
Article 9. The Government indicates in its report that a copy of Decree No. 11049, of 24 August 1973, will be transmitted upon completion of the new compilation of the principal legal labour norms that are currently in force. The Committee notes the above and trusts that the above compilation will be transmitted in the near future in order to enable it to fully examine the way in which effect is given to this Article of the Convention.