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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2003, publiée 92ème session CIT (2004)

Convention (n° 142) sur la mise en valeur des ressources humaines, 1975 - Géorgie (Ratification: 1993)

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Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

1. The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s detailed first report, received in the Office in March 2001. It also notes that various actions are envisaged under the programme of cooperation between the ILO and Georgia for 2002-03 (for instance, the creation of modern occupational standards and the elaboration of the programmes for vocational training and retraining according to these standards, support for the development of vocational training and retraining and the establishment of internationally accepted mechanisms of occupational skills and qualification certification). It refers to its comment on the application of Convention No. 122 and would appreciate receiving further information on the following points.

2. Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention. The Committee notes that the Employment Act closely links education and training with employment objectives. However, the Government indicates that the link with employment promotion is weak in practice, due to the weakness of the economy. The Government adds that a Bill on employment has been prepared, which will include provisions on monitoring the labour market. The Committee would appreciate receiving a copy of this legislation, once enacted, and further information on other measures taken to strengthen in practice the link between education and training and employment, in particular through employment services.

3. Article 1, paragraph 5. The Committee notes the guarantees of equal access provided in article 5 of the Constitution, but that article 3 permits restrictions on the right to education and vocational training "in cases provided by legislation". It would appreciate receiving further information on these restrictions permitted by the national legislation. Please also refer to the comments formulated on the application of Convention No. 111.

4. Article 3, paragraph 1, and Article 4. Please provide further information in relation to vocational training offered to persons with disabilities and other vulnerable categories of workers such as "young persons, mothers having many children, internally displaced persons, invalids, officers retired in connection with reductions in the number of armed forces", mentioned among the national priorities in the ILO-Georgia Programme of Cooperation for 2002-03. Please also provide information on continued access to education and training for adults in employment.

5. Article 5. The Committee notes that a standing tripartite commission has been established for cooperation on employment-related issues, including qualification levels, training and retraining, and that a tripartite Coordination Council for Employment Assistance also exists for more general labour market policies. The Government reports on a draft law that would establish tripartite consultation at the local level. The Committee requests further information on whether cooperation also exists for the implementation and review of programmes and on consultations at the local level on the matters covered by the Convention.

6. Parts V and VI of the report form. The Committee notes the statistics provided by the Government on the number of participants in education and training in various programmes. It would appreciate receiving information on the action taken in the matters covered by the Convention as a result of the programme of cooperation between the ILO and Georgia for 2002-03 and, if available, statistics disaggregated by gender, race, ethnicity, disability and other relevant categories.

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