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The Committee takes note of the Government’s report and the number of regulations issued by the Swedish Radiation Protection Institute in the application of section 19 of the Radiation Protection Act (1988: 220) and the Radiation Protection Ordinance (1988: 293).
1. Article 3, paragraph 1, and Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Convention. Maximum permissible doses of ionizing radiation for pregnant and breastfeeding women directly engaged in radiation work. With regard to the protection of pregnant women or breastfeeding women engaged in radiation work, the Committee notes with satisfaction sections 9 to 11 of the Regulations SSI FS 1998: 4 on dose limits at work with ionizing radiation which are in compliance with the 1990 ICRP Recommendations and thus giving effect to Article 3, paragraph 1, and Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Convention.
2. Article 8. Dose limits for non-radiation workers. The Committee notes with satisfaction the provision of section 12 of the Regulations SSI FS 1998: 4 applying Article 8 of the Convention.
In addition, the Committee raises other points in a request addressed directly to the Government.