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The Committee notes the communications of the National Association of Health, Social Security and Complementary Services’ Workers and Public Employees (ANTHOC) and the Workers’ Union of Administradora de Seguridad Limitada (SINTRACONSEGURIDAD), both of which were forwarded to the Government on 16 September 2005. It also notes another communication of SINTRACONSEGURIDAD dated 19 September 2005 which was forwarded to the Government on 20 October 2005. In its comments, ANTHOC indicates that the majority of the 146 employees of the San Juan de Dios public hospital have not received their wages, wage supplements and holiday pay since October 2003. As regards SINTRACONSEGURIDAD, it alleges that the process of judicial liquidation of Banco Cafetero, which was initiated in March 2005, risks to further compromise the settlement of pay claims of former employees of Conseguridad.
The Committee requests that the Government transmits its comments in this regard so that it may examine these points at its next meeting. In addition, the Committee asks the Government to keep it informed of any developments concerning the matters raised in its previous observation, i.e. the settlement of outstanding payments to employees and pensioners of the Merchant Navy Investment Company and the accumulation of wage debts in the Intercontinental Aviation Company, following earlier comments of the Union of Maritime and Inland Water Transport Industry Workers (UNIMAR) and the Colombian Association of Airline Pilots (ACDAC).