National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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1. Article 1 of the Convention. Prohibition of the use of lead. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that exemptions to the prohibition of the use of lead carbonates as a constituent of chemical products may be granted by the National Chemicals Inspectorate if there are particular reasons for doing so. The Committee requests the Government to provide additional information in its next report regarding the factors taken into account by the National Chemicals Inspectorate when granting these exemptions and the frequency of exemption granted.
2. Article 3, paragraph 1. Prohibition to employ women. The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s reports in response to its previous comments stating that 777 women and 14,616 men were employed in the painting and decorating trade in 1999, but that neither men nor women in the painting and decorating trade are exposed to white lead at work. It also notes the Government’s indication that indoor use of white lead has been prohibited in Sweden since 1923.