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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2010, publiée 100ème session CIT (2011)

Convention (n° 159) sur la réadaptation professionnelle et l'emploi des personnes handicapées, 1983 - Yémen (Ratification: 1991)

Autre commentaire sur C159

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Article 2 of the Convention. Implementation of a national policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. In reply to the 2008 direct request, the Government indicates in its report received in August 2009 that the national strategy for persons with disabilities has not yet been adopted. The Government adds that, following the adoption of Act No. 2 of 2002 establishing a Fund for the Rehabilitation and Welfare of Persons with Disabilities, progress has been achieved in this respect, particularly with the establishment of the National Union of Associations of Persons with Disabilities, which coordinates the action undertaken between the Fund and the ministries responsible for employment with a view to offering employment opportunities to persons with disabilities. The Committee invites the Government to provide information in its next report on the progress achieved in the implementation of a national strategy for persons with disabilities. Please also include statistics, extracts from reports, studies and inquiries concerning the matters covered by the Convention.

Article 3. Promotion of employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. The Government indicates that the National Union of Associations of Persons with Disabilities is responsible for coordination between the Ministry of the Civil Service and the Ministry of Justice with a view to facilitating the recruitment of qualified persons with disabilities into the administration and the public, mixed and private sectors. It also provides training in various fields in establishments financed by the Fund for the Rehabilitation and Welfare of Persons with Disabilities. The Committee invites the Government to further describe the measures adopted with a view to promoting employment opportunities on the labour market for persons with disabilities, with an indication of: (i) the manner in which compliance is ensured in practice with the compulsory employment quota for persons with disabilities in public, private and mixed institutions; and (ii) the manner in which access to vocational rehabilitation measures is guaranteed for all categories of persons with disabilities.

Article 4. Equality of opportunity. The Committee notes the Government’s reply that article 24 of the Constitution guarantees equality of opportunity for all citizens at the political, economic, social and cultural levels. The Committee invites the Government to provide additional information on the special affirmative measures taken to guarantee effective equality of opportunity and treatment between disabled workers and other workers, as well as the initiatives adopted or envisaged to ensure that effect is given to these measures, together with statistical data on the employment of persons with disabilities, disaggregated as much as possible by age, sex and the nature of the disability.

Article 5. Consultations with social partners. The Committee notes that the Government has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol. The Government indicates that a committee composed of representatives of the Ministry of Labour, the Fund for the Rehabilitation and Welfare of Persons with Disabilities and the National Union of Associations of Persons with Disabilities has been established to review and compare Convention No. 159 with national legislation respecting disability; propose amendments in conformity with the Convention; and undertake consultations with representatives of persons with disabilities, the Government and the Fund. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report the manner in which the social partners are also consulted in ensuring the implementation of the Convention.

Article 7. Vocational guidance and training services. The Committee invites the Government to provide detailed information in its next report on the activities of the vocational guidance, vocational training, placement and employment services intended to enable persons with disabilities to secure, retain and advance in employment.

Article 9. Training of suitably qualified staff.The Government indicates that, through the Fund, it has established centres and institutions to provide training for persons with disabilities and that trainers have been made available to them in various fields, such as the learning of Braille for the blind, training in sign language and computer skills. The Committee invites the Government to further describe the measures adopted to ensure the availability to persons with disabilities of suitably qualified vocational rehabilitation staff.

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