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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2011, publiée 101ème session CIT (2012)

Convention (n° 119) sur la protection des machines, 1963 - Fédération de Russie (Ratification: 1969)

Autre commentaire sur C119

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The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its latest report, but that the requested copies of the instruments giving effect to the Convention were not included. While the Federal Law on Technical Regulation No. 184 of 27 December 2002, as amended by Federal Law No. 65 of 1 May 2007 has been available to the Committee from the publicly available sources, the Committee does not have all the relevant legislative information to evaluate the effect given to the Convention based on the legislation the Government has referred to as relevant. This legislation includes: the Machine Safety Requirements for Metal Work GOST EN 12417-2006; and Machine Safety, Basic Concepts and General Principles, Part 2, Technical Principles, GOST R ISO 12100-2-2007; the Inter-sectoral Rules on Labour Protection in using industrial transport (conveyors, pipelines and other means of non-interrupting performance), No. 36 of 17 June 2003, POT R M-029-2003; the decision of the Ministry of Health No. 100 of 26 May 2003, to approve Hygienic Requirements to the Organization of Technological Processes, Equipment and Tools, SP; and the Technical Standard GOST 12.4.125-83 “SBBT – Means for the collective protection of workers against the effects of mechanical factors. General security requirements.” The Committee requests the Government to clarify with its next report whether these instruments are still relevant for the application of the Convention and to supply copies of the legislation of those that still are.
Part V of the report form. Application in practice. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government about the activities of the state labour inspectorate carried out in Russia during a period of six months in 2011, including the numbers of check-ups, the number of detected violations in the area of occupational safety and health, and the number of workers who were removed from work because of not having received adequate training and not passing the test of knowledge on occupational safety and health. The Committee requests the Government to provide a general appreciation of the manner in which the Convention is applied preferably over a longer period of time and include, for example, extracts from inspection reports.
[The Government is asked to reply in detail to the present comments in 2012.]
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