Information System on International Labour Standards
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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2012, publiée 102ème session CIT (2013)

Convention (n° 144) sur les consultations tripartites relatives aux normes internationales du travail, 1976 - Chine (Ratification: 1990)

Autre commentaire sur C144

Demande directe
  1. 2024
  2. 2020
  3. 2017
  4. 2013
  5. 2012
  6. 2009
  7. 1997
  8. 1995

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Tripartite consultations required by the Convention. The Committee notes the detailed information provided by the Government in its report covering the period from June 2009 through May 2011, received in September 2011, which includes the minutes of the 14th Session of the National Tripartite Conference on Coordination of Labour Relations held in December 2009. The Committee notes that tripartite consultation at the national level included replies to the International Labour Conference questionnaires on decent work for domestic workers (Convention No. 189 and Recommendation No. 201), and for the adoption of the Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202). The Committee invites the Government to provide further information in its next report on the tripartite consultations held on the subjects concerning international labour standards listed in Article 5(1) of the Convention.
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