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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2014, publiée 104ème session CIT (2015)

Convention (n° 142) sur la mise en valeur des ressources humaines, 1975 - Türkiye (Ratification: 1993)

Autre commentaire sur C142

  1. 2009
  2. 2004
  3. 2002
  4. 2001
Demande directe
  1. 2024
  2. 2014
  3. 2013
  4. 1999
  5. 1997
  6. 1996

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Article 1 of the Convention. Formulation and implementation of education and training policies and programmes. The Committee takes note of the information on the systems of educational and vocational guidance, as well as of vocational training, submitted by the Government in reply to its observation in 2009. It also notes the information concerning the number of persons engaged in vocational training, the vocational training and rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities and other categories, and on-the-job and entrepreneurship training programmes. Data submitted by the Government show that, since 2010, there has been a higher proportion of women than men enrolled in vocational training. The Government states that the Action Plan for Strengthening the Link between Employment and Vocational Training (IMEIGEP) entered into effect in July 2010. The objectives of this Plan are to: propose vocational and technical training courses commensurate with opportunities on the labour market; strengthen the relationship between education and employment; implement active labour market policies; and upgrade constantly the employability of the labour force by gradually eliminating situations in which people leave training without qualifications. The Committee takes note of the information concerning the project to strengthen the national system of vocational certification and establish aptitude criteria in Turkey. It notes that centres for the certification of skills and competences have been set up in 11 priority sectors, with a view to introducing an efficient and sustainable national certification system; the role of these centres is to validate and certify the competences acquired by the candidates and help them in developing their skills. The Committee invites the Government to continue communicating information on how effective coordination has been ensured between employment policy objectives and the policies and programmes of vocational guidance and training, taking account of the factors referred to under Article 1(2)–(4) of the Convention. The Committee also invites the Government to provide copies of reports, studies, surveys or statistical data which would enable an examination of the results obtained by the policies, programmes and measures adopted to give effect to the Convention.
Article 5. Cooperation with the social partners. The Committee invites the Government to submit updated information on the cooperation of employers’ and workers’ organizations and other interested bodies in the formulation and implementation of vocational guidance and vocational training policies and programmes at the national and local levels.
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