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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2017, publiée 107ème session CIT (2018)

Convention (n° 98) sur le droit d'organisation et de négociation collective, 1949 - Kiribati (Ratification: 2000)

Autre commentaire sur C098

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The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments initially made in 2016.
Article 4. Right to collective bargaining. The Committee observes that sections 4 (definition of collective agreement) and 60 (parties with power to initiate collective bargaining) refer to employers or employers’ organizations and unions, but not explicitly to federations and confederations. The Committee requests the Government to: (i) clarify whether federations and confederations have the possibility of engaging in collective bargaining at levels higher than enterprise level; and (ii) provide information on the number of collective agreements concluded during the reporting period and the sectors and the number of workers covered.
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