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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2018, publiée 108ème session CIT (2019)

Convention (n° 142) sur la mise en valeur des ressources humaines, 1975 - Géorgie (Ratification: 1993)

Autre commentaire sur C142

Demande directe
  1. 2024
  2. 2018
  3. 2013
  4. 2009
  5. 2006
  6. 2004
  7. 2003

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Article 1 of the Convention. Implementation of education and training policies and programmes. The Government reports that, in 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science presented a new draft law on vocational education and training to the Parliament of Georgia, aiming to expand the quality and efficiency of the national Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system. It further reports that, since 2013, multiple strategies and action plans have been developed and multiple programmes on vocational guidance and vocational training have been implemented nationwide to improve the TVET network and to provide high-quality training for all individuals. The Committee notes the establishment of a competence-based modular programme in the TVET system and the adoption of Minimal Standards for the improvement of TVET infrastructures. The Government reports that, since 2015, the State Programme for Professional Training and Retraining and Qualification Improvement for Jobseekers has been implemented to improve the competitiveness and employability of jobseekers. It further indicates that the programme is available to all citizens of Georgia who are older than 16 years of age and able to work, as well as to the stateless with official status in Georgia and persons with refugee or humanitarian status. In this regard, the Committee notes that, according to the statistics provided by the Government, from 2015 to 2017, 5,086 jobseekers were awarded educational vouchers, out of which 4,349 jobseekers completed a full course and 1,105 secured employment, including 33 persons with disabilities. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on developments in relation to the draft TVET legislation and to submit a copy to the Office upon its adoption. It also requests the Government to continue to provide detailed information, including updated statistical data disaggregated by age and sex, on the impact of the implementation of various policies and programmes on technical vocational guidance and vocational training. Please also indicate the manner in which it is ensured that these policies and programmes are linked with the national employment objectives and coordinated with the public employment services.
Article 5(1). Equal opportunities. The Committee notes with interest the vocational guidance and special vocational training measures developed which focus on persons with disabilities, as well as other disadvantaged groups. It further notes that the Government has adopted an inclusive vocational education policy to provide education and training for ethnic minorities and inmates in prison facilities. The Government reports that, based on principles of universal design and with assistance from the Norwegian Government, four buildings have been renovated fully adapted to accommodate persons with special education needs. It further indicates that, apart from infrastructural improvements, additional resources, such as sign-language teachers, orientation trainers, inclusive education teachers and assistants, are available in the colleges to support inclusive education. The Committee notes that, in 2017, support services were provided to 385 internally displaced persons (Tbilisi: 150; region: 235) and that 42 persons with disabilities were employed within the scope of the intermediary service for disadvantaged groups, namely in Tbilisi (13), in Adjara (15), in Shida Kartli (six), in Guria (three), in Kakheti (three) and in Imereti (two). It further notes that, since 2013, the Government has provided full funding for TVET and has created seven new colleges, adding ten new municipal locations to the existing network to extend TVET training availability to all groups, including women, young persons, ethnic minorities and disadvantaged groups in different economic sectors. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide up-to-date information, including statistics disaggregated by age and sex on the number of persons benefiting from the measures implemented to assist persons with disabilities as well as disadvantaged groups to develop and use their technical and vocational skills. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on any active measures taken or envisaged to ensure progress in the participation of women in the labour market, including an indication of the number of beneficiaries, the content and types of vocational training provided, an evaluation of the impact in terms of jobs occupied by women prior to, and following, their education and their participation in various training programmes.
Article 3. Information on vocational guidance and further vocational training. The Government reports that different activities and projects have been carried out between 2013 and 2018 by the Ministry of Education and Science (MES), aimed at making TVET more attractive, in particular for youngsters, and to increase awareness about the services available. In this regard, the Committee notes that, following the implementation of the Vocational Skills Development Programme, more than 3,000 pupils in 138 public schools were granted the opportunity to gain practical experience and form an opinion with regard to their future profession based on the courses provided. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide updated information on measures that have been taken to ensure that comprehensive information and the broadest possible guidance is available to all children, young persons and adults (Article 3(1)). Please also describe the type of information made available in the area of vocational guidance and the manner in which such information is kept up to date and supply specimens of the documentation (Article 3(2) and (3)).
Article 4. Extending the system of vocational training. The Government reports that, since 2014, a state programme for professional improvement of TVET teachers and instructors has been implemented and new authorization standards for TVET providers, as well as a new quality assurance system framework, in line with the European framework, were developed. It further notes that, in 2015, a concept on public–private partnership was adopted by the National Vocational Education Council (NVETC) and four new TVET providers were established: the Tbilisi Railway College, the Gudauri Adventure Tourism School, the Construction College in Zestaphoni and the Training Centre for Engineering at the Georgian Technical University (GTU). The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on measures taken to extend, maintain and constantly improve a coordinated system of vocational training to cover fields of economic activity not previously within their scope and to ensure that they are adapted to the changing requirements of individuals throughout their lives, as well as to the needs of the economy and of the different economic sectors.
Article 5. Cooperation with employers’ and workers’ organizations. The Government reports that, in 2015, the NVETC structure changed from a tripartite to a quadripartite system through the inclusion of civil society organizations. The Committee notes that summary conferences to provide for closer cooperation with the social partners are held annually and representatives of the European Union Delegation to Georgia, the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, the Social Service Agency, employers’ associations, trade unions, international organizations, private colleges associations, businesses and other partner agencies are invited to participate. The Committee requests the Government to provide in its next report examples of the manner in which the cooperation of employers’ and workers’ organizations and, where applicable, other interested bodies is ensured in the formulation and implementation of vocational guidance and vocational training policies and programmes within the new NVETC structure.
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