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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2024, publiée 113ème session CIT (2025)

Convention (n° 29) sur le travail forcé, 1930 - Pakistan (Ratification: 1957)

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Articles 1(1), 2(1) and 25 of the Convention. Trafficking in persons. The Committee previously noted the adoption of the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Act 2018 (PTPA) and Prevention of Smuggling of Migrants Act 2018 (PSMA). It noted that section 3 of the PTPA, contains provisions criminalizing the offence of trafficking in persons for labour or sexual exploitation with penalties of imprisonment of up to seven years or with a fine of a maximum of PKR1 million or with both.
In response to its previous comments concerning the application in practice of the above legislations, the Committee notes that the Government, in its report has provided statistical information pertaining to cases of trafficking of children and no other information has been provided. The Committee however notes from the National Report submitted to the Human Rights Council on 10 November 2022, that the rules for the operationalization of the PTPA and PSMA have been approved by the Cabinet in 2020 and since then there have been more than 1,000 investigations related to trafficking in persons and 161 convictions. This report also indicates that Pakistan has concluded a number of bilateral, trilateral and quadrilateral agreements on law enforcement cooperation in relation to trafficking in persons with Afghanistan, Australia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Iran, Turkey, Oman, and the UK and that in December 2020, a National Action Plan (NAP) to Combat Human Trafficking and Migrants Smuggling (2021–25) was also adopted (A/HRC/WG.6/42/PAK/1). The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the concrete measures undertaken within the framework of the NAP to Combat Human Trafficking and Migrants Smuggling as well as information on any assessment conducted concerning its implementation and the results achieved. It also requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of section 3 of the PTPA 2018 and the PSMA 2018 indicating the number of prosecutions initiated, investigations carried out, convictions handed down and the specific penalties imposed for the offences related to trafficking in persons.
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