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Repetition Article 5. Cooperation between employers’ and workers’ organizations. The Government reports that, pursuant to Law No. 62/2011 on social dialogue, which seeks to establish a permanent tripartite social dialogue framework, the sectoral social partners are consulted in commissions established at the level of the relevant ministry or the local public authority on all regulatory initiatives, strategies and measures. The Committee requests the Government to describe the arrangements for cooperation between employers’ and workers’ organizations in the dock work sector in improving the efficiency of work in ports, and the participation, if any, of the competent authorities in these arrangements. Application in practice. The Committee requests the Government to provide general information on the manner in which the Convention is applied, including, for instance, copies of collective agreements or any new regulations in force on dock work and on the employment and working conditions of dockworkers, extracts from reports by the authorities responsible for the application of measures giving effect to the Convention, and any available information on numbers of dockworkers on the registers maintained and the variations in such numbers.