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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1994, publiée 81ème session CIT (1994)

Convention (n° 30) sur la durée du travail (commerce et bureaux), 1930 - Arabie saoudite (Ratification: 1978)

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Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Article 7, paragraph 3, of the Convention. See under Convention No. 1 (Article 6, paragraph 2), as follows:

2. With regard to Article 6, paragraph 2, the Committee notes Ministerial Order No. 16 of 18.13.1397 H, of which the Government provided a copy. It notes the Government's explanations concerning the determination of maximum amount of overtime and the information to the effect that recourse is made to such overtime only in exceptional situations where there is a heavy workload and is subject to supervision by the competent labour office, and that, in practice, there has been no abuse of overtime.

Article 11, paragraph 2. See under Convention No. 1 (Article 8, paragraph 1), as follows:

3. With reference to its previous comments, the Committee notes with interest the Government's indication that a circular has recently been issued reminding employers that they are required to post working hours in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 1.

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