National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
Global database on occupational safety and health legislation
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The Committee notes the Government’s report and the statement that the inspection reports in matters of health and safety could not be produced for 2000 and 2001 due to the reorganization of the system of data collection and analysis. It hopes that very soon inspection reports will once again be regularly published and transmitted to the Office.
With reference to its previous comments the Committee notes that the Government does not specify the date of the most recent figures pertaining to the number of workers covered by the Health and Safety (Reporting of Injuries, etc.), Order 1992 and that there are no statistics of the number of workplaces liable to labour inspection as prescribed by the Convention. As such information is essential to an assessment by the Government and the social partners and also by the Committee of the extent to which the Convention is applied, the Government is requested to take the necessary measures to ensure that such information is included in the annual inspection reports in the future, together with the other information specified by Article 21 of the Convention.
With reference to its general observation of 1999, in which it emphasized the importance of the active involvement of labour inspectors in combating child labour, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would ensure that information on the results of labour inspection in this area is regularly included in the annual inspection reports.