National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes the Government’s report for the period ending 31 May 2005, as well as the statistics concerning general labour inspections. It also notes the comments of the Inter-Union Assembly of Workers-National Convention of Workers (PIT-CNT), alleging the absence of sufficient material and human resources available for the effective compliance, through the General Labour Inspection and the former National Institute of Minors (today INAU), with the inspection tasks attached to the functions and conditions of work in accordance with the Convention.
Article 15 of the Convention and Part III of the report form. The Committee requests the Government to provide specific information, concerning the organization and working of the inspection services entrusted with the supervision of the present Convention.
Part V of the report form. Please give a general appreciation of the manner in which the Convention is applied in your country including extracts from the reports of the maritime inspection and maritime registration services and, if such statistics are available, information concerning the number of seamen signed on during the period under review, the number and nature of the contraventions reported, etc.