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Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body
Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body
- 71. At its November 2003 meeting, the Committee examined this case relating to the dismissal of 42 trade union members from the municipality of Esquipulas without the judicial authorization provided for in the Labour Code [see 332nd Report, paras. 77-79], on which occasion it requested the Government to inform it of the ruling handed down for the proceedings that the Government stated it were under way.
- 72. In its communications of 4 November 2003 and 9 January 2004, the Government states that the preliminary proceedings begun in the framework of a judicial complaint against the mayor (who refuses to comply with the order for reinstatement issued by the administrative authorities and who, as a result, has already been fined) were rejected by the competent courts and that the trade union members have still not been reinstated.
- 73. The Committee notes this information and requests the Government to continue to make every effort to ensure that the dismissed workers are reinstated and to keep it informed of any judicial or other type of complaint initiated in this respect.